005. Obvio Call - April 8

1 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

Infusionsoft Integration Walkthrough Begins at Approx. 34m mark of this video.

Updates begin at 3:30

  • Offline message with populate when a room is offline.
    • Offline message is configurable in each area created.

Q+A begins at 6:00 minutes

  • Launching a room (7:00)
    • To launch a room - the area must be started, the room must be online, and someone must be in the room
    • You will not be able to access your rooms by clicking on buttons from the Dashboard editor. You must login as an attendee to interact with your Dashboard. (10:00) 
  • Caching issues when logging into Obvio. (11:00)
    • Always double check who you are logged into the system as.
  • Embedding links to posts.
  • Inviting attendees to join the dashboard.
  • Determining the web address for your dashboard.
  • Obvio and analystics.
  • Designing your dashboard.
  • Avoiding the construction error on the dashboard.
  • Moderating chat.
  • Naming your rooms.
  • Configuring breakouts.
  • Having presenters enter your event.

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