Topics covered include:
- Updates from Blue (00:00 - 10:30)
- Leaderboard - able to export a list of first name, last name, email, point total, and overall position. Will export into a CSV file.
- Sponsors - "Page Settings" - question icon feature added - logo in line with sponsor name, if you click on the icon it will pop up a modal and you can answer a question for points
- Add images to blog posts - can adjust the position of the image within the blog post (demo at 5:30)
- More specific text formatting coming soon. Bold, italics, underline, etc.
- Can reorder agenda and resource items via drag and drop
- Using various team communication platforms while running an event
Q+A Begins at 10:35
- MailChimp integration still coming soon (not active as of June 7, 2021) (hear Blue's answer at 10:50)
- Feature requests from users - ordering events in chronological order within an organization for ease of use
- Immersive View is enabled in Obvio (timestamp at 16:15)
- Far end camera control also enabled (for tech support remotely) (timestamp 17:00)
- Turned off the ability for non-hosts to download transcripts
- Users can still have access to transcripts via event recordings.
- Teching a show remotely - this is complicated (timestamp - 18:45)
- Grant speaks to it on a theoretical level (timestamp - 19:15)
- Quick discussion on the importance of comm systems while running an event
- Each Zoom room can support 1,000 people - it's unnecessary to build out extra Zoom rooms if you are inviting 1,000 people, because you will see attrition. This is if your event does not require tremendous breakout room capacity. (timestamp 28:30)
- The less complexity the better.
- Each Zoom room can handle up to 100 breakout rooms (meaning at max, 10 attendees spread over 100 breakout rooms)
- If you want to intentionally place certain people in certain breakout rooms, it's best to have tags attached to their names - because you will have to manually divide them across breakouts.
- Example of a VIP Main Stage button option (timestamp - 36:20)
- How many areas and rooms can run concurrently? (timestamp - 38:50)
- SAGE has successfully run 230 rooms and 24 areas concurrently (see the Dashboard at 39:45)
- You will need one computer per Zoom room. (Blue talks tech set up at 40:30)
- When you request event recordings, you will receive links to the following (timestamp - 44:30)
- Speaker View with Screen Share
- Gallery View with Screen Share
- Audio Only
- Chat file
- Transcript - if you turned on live transcript (a function within Zoom)
- NOTE: If you stop the recording, we cannot provide you with the event recording. Also, breakouts cannot be recorded.
- Pausing video discussion (timestamp - 51:54)
- You can "pause" a recording and it will keep it in the same file. If you "stop" a recording, it will create a separate file. Be careful! If you forget to restart your video, you will NOT have access to your recordings.
- Attendee privacy workaround (timestamp - 46:00)
- Attendees must be imported with a name (first name is required in Obvio), but it can be an alias or general label.
- Email addresses are only visible to the user in Obvio.
- You can prevent attendees from turning on their video in Zoom settings, that way attendees come in muted and with camera off. If someone enters with camera functionality, the host can manually stop their video. (timestamp - 50:40)
- If you can obtain an embed code, you can insert outside sources into blog posts. (timestamp - 54:40)
- An embed code is how we insert Slido onto the Obvio Call Dashboard. Slido is a question platform that we did not create. However, we had access to the embed code, so we inserted that into the blog post and obtained Slido functionality.
- Do this in advance of your event and test it!
- Having speakers in the green room and bringing them onto the Main Stage (timestamp - 55:30)
- Feature Request: Making the sidebar background color transparent.
- Tech Check agent directory
- This is not something we have available yet, but it's coming (timestamp - 1:02:20)
- Blue discusses Zoom's new event platform (timestamp - 1:04:00)