023. Obvio Call - June 2

8 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

Topics covered include:

  • Grant's background (00:00 - 12:00)
  • This call will not contain information related to Zapier.

Dashboard Walk Through (begins at 14:30)

  • Users vs. Attendees
    • Users are people with access to the backend of Obvio
    • Attendees are people invited to attend an event hosted via Obvio
  • Step 1 - Create an organization - group which can contain multiple events (timestamp - 16:20)
  • Step 2 - Invite Team Members to your organization (timestamp - 17:25)
    • These are people who will have access to your events and Dashboards through the backend of Obvio 
    • You can assign Team Members indivdual roles and restrict access to the Dashboard accordingly. (Example: a Tech Check agent may need backend access, but they don't need to have editing priviledges - you can adjust this by assigning a Role)
  • Step 3 - Assign a Role to a Team Member (timestamp - 23:50)
    • A Team Member can only be assigned a role after they have accepted the invitation to become a team member
    • This give you the ability to create sub-teams within your event
  • Step 4 - Create an event (timestamp - 25:15)
    • Unique Slug - subdomain, cannot use a slug multiple time
    • Event dates are important! Dates cannot be in the past. 
  • Step 5 - Walking through the tabs (timestamp - 28:00)
  • Areas - One or more Zoom meetings (think about it like a stage)
    • When creating an Area, you will be asked to name the Area and give you two check boxes, the boxes are outlined below
      • "Requires approval to join area meetings" is a default security setting that will ensure no one who is not an official attendee can attend the meeting. This can be disabled, but now your Zoom meeting links can be sent to non-attendees. 
      • "Can the same user use multiple devices at the same time?"
        • If checked, one attendee can sign in to the meeting on multiple computers. 
        • If unchecked, one attendee-one device. Once they are in the meeting on one device, they cannot login on a seperate device. 
    • Offline name and message settings. These will appear if the Area is not enabled. 
    • Creating a Room (timestamp - 38:40)
      • You will create a room or multiple room within a given area
      • Room = Zoom meeting, which can hold up to 1,000 attendees and support up to 100 breakout rooms (timestamp - 40:40)
      • Reminder: buttons will link to Areas, not individual Rooms
  • Attendees - (timestamp - 56:00)
    • Manually entering an attendee (timestamp - 58:20)
    • You will need first name, last name, and email
    • Obvio recognizes attendees via email
    • Tag - InfusionSoft allows you to important a tag, which essentially is a designation given to some attendees (often based on what package or ticket they purchased)
    • Group - custom field, what are you trying to track about your attendees?
    • Assigning an attendee to an Area (timestamp - 1:01:15)
      • this is an optional step, Obvio is designed to automatically load balance over Zoom 
      • this is a way to move people into varying rooms (in the event you have partners attending an event together)
    • Each attendee has a unique login link (shown at 1:02:45)
      • this login will bring attendees into the Dashboard automatically, after their initial check in process
      • can copy this unique link by clicking the small clipboard icon to the right of the link
      • There are 2 ways to send attendees links to the Dashboard 
        • 1) Send the event slug (located on the main "Event" page), this will take attendees to a login page where Obvio defaults their email AND password to their email address. After they enter their email twice (once in the email space, once in the password space), they will be prompted to create their own password. That password will be theirs to use each time they want to login. 
        • 2) Send each attendee their own unique login link (which can be found by clicking on an individual attendee's name. This link will prompt attendees to create a password once, and then take them to the Dashboard immidiately (no temporary email as password)
        • Either way works, but they are different! (both explained by Grant from 1:02:40 - 1:09:15)  
  • Services (integrations)
    • Attendees & Services are linked in the sense that you can use a CRM to import attendees into Obvio
    • Keap/InfusionSoft are natively integrated into Obvio (timestamp - 56:20)
      • MailChimp is the next planned native integration
      • All other CRMs can be connected via Zapier (acts as a middle man btw your CRM and Obvio)
  • Waiver (timestamp - 1:09:15)
    • The waiver is an optional aspect of the initial check in process. 
    • It is important to have a waiver if you plan to sell your event recording. You can obtain a copy of a waiver template by emailing help@obv.io 
  • Forms - questionnaires, surveys, quizzes, etc. you may want attendees to work on during your event (timestamp - 1:12:10)
    • You do not have to have forms attached to your Dashboard, this is an optional aspect
    • Users can gather attendee answers from the "Reports" page
  • Tech Check - like the waiver, this is another optional step in the initial check in process (timestamp - 1:18:20)
    • To learn more about Tech Check visit this page
    • Remember your Tech Check must be connected to a designated Area, so attendees will be taken into a Zoom room to check their tech. 
  • Dashboard - (timestamp - 1:19:25)
    • This is your event's central hub! It is fully customizable, so you can brand it specifically for your event. 
    • Aspects of the Dashboard
      • Hero - welcome message and main logo
      • Blog Posts
      • Sidebar
      • This is where you will create buttons forms on the Dashboard
      • Buttons - these will link to speaker and sponsor pages and to your areas, so attendees can access Zoom rooms (can adjust colors, borders, size, height, shape)
  • Visibility Rules - these are used if you have an event with VIPs or distinctions between attendees. It will allow you to hide certain aspects of the Dashboard from specific attendees. (timestamp - 1:21:15)
    • Default - everything shows for all attendees, so if you don't need to hide anything from any attendees, you do not need to use visibility rule. 
    • Connects back to attendee tags
    • Visibility rules are case sensitive
  • Blog Posts - Blog posts can be welcome messages, you can embed videos, or insert your created forms onto the main Dashboard. (timestamp - 1:23:40)
    • There is a hide date function that will hide the date of the blog post from attendees.
    • Be careful about the dates of your posts, if they occur in the future, they will not be visible to attendees until that date. 
  • Emojis - Emojis are chosen and displayed near the top of the sidebar. You can import your own (square, 150 x 150 pixels) or use pre-selected emojis from the drop down menu. (timestamp - 1:30:00)
    • The emoji tab itself will take you to a black page. This is not an error.
    • This is an advanced feature and will require additional tech (beyond a computer) to utilize. 
  • Sidebar - the sidebar is formatted on the right side of the Dashboard screen. Its color can be customized. This is also where you will add emojis, agenda, and resources. (timestamp - 1:32:55)
    • Agenda and resource items can be reordered using simple drag & drop
    • Resources can be links to outside web pages or files. 
    • You can add other buttons at the bottom of the sidebar. Those can link to Zoom meetings set up within Obvio, in case you'd like to run concurrent sessions. 
  • Points - these are able to be enabled or disabled according to user preferences. Points tie into gamification which encourages attendees to be active and engaged throughout an event. (timestamp - 1:37:45)
    • Gives attendees points for completing certain actions. 
    • You can export the leaderboard during your event in order to determine winners and hand out prizes, should you choose. 
  • Speakers/Sponsors - these pages can house bios and headshots to introduce any speakers or sponsors your event may have. (timestamp - 1:43:30 - 1:51:00)
    • You must link a button on the Dashboard to those pages (if using) in order for attendees to be able to access them. (Grant's giant green button is an example - yours can be cuter)
  • FAQ - this page can house frequently asked questions for your event.
    • Again, this page would be linked to the Dashboard via a button.
  • General - this is where you can customize your login screen! (timestamp - 1:54:15)
  • Localization - (timestamp - 1:56:45) this page allows users to enable translation, almost everything in Obvio is fully translatable.
    • Languages are translated primarily through the use of merge fields. 
  • Attendee Label - set attendee label priorities (timestamp - 2:00:03)
    • each attendee can only have 1 (one) label, so if you have multiple designations 
    • Labels will be added to the end of attendee names in Zoom 
  • Reports - reports are where you will find attendee responses to forms (timestamp - 2:01:30)
  • Zoom Backgrounds - 640 x 360 pixels, houses all Zoom virtual backgrounds (timestamp - 2:01:45)
    • Attendees can download the backgrounds from the Dashboard (must create a button on the Dashboard for attendees to access)

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