030. Obvio Call - June 23

4 min. readlast update: 06.29.2021

This video features Grant stepping through the step-up of a basic Obvio dashboard. 

  • Organizations: a group of events, you can have as many events as you want under your organization. You can also create multiple organizations with your Obvio account.
    • Separate your organizations by team members. 
    • Team members within an organization can perform their role in any event underneath the organization they are assigned to.
  • Team Members (1:00-2:30)
    • Send an invitation, team member accepts their invitation, assign the team member a role. 
  • Create Your Event (2:45)
    • Event Name
    • Unique Slug - subdomain, this will become part of the link you can send to attendees for access to the dashboard. 
    • Event dates - These are important! Your rooms will not open if your event dates are in the past. (3:30)
    • Expected number of attendees - this can be an estimate.
  • Pick a template - only one option "simple blog" for right now, but new a template is in the works. (4:15)
  • Attendees (5:20)
    • Can manually add attendees into Obvio one at a time. 
    • CSV file (like Google sheets or Excel) for a mass import
    • CRM (like MailChimp, InfusionSoft, etc.)
  • Waiver - general media release, earnings release, ect. 
    • For a sample waiver, email help@obv.io
    • Must "save" the waiver everytime you make changes (scroll down to the bottom of the page to save). 
    • Be sure all required fields are filled in before leaving the page, otherwise it will not save. 
  • Tech Check (9:00)
    • Last step of the initial check in process. 
  • Areas (9:30)
    • Create an Area - this is the large space, under which, Zoom rooms are housed. 
    • All buttons will link to areas, rather than individual Zoom rooms. This is for scalability. Each room within Obvio can support up to 1,000 attendees and support up to 100 breakout rooms. 
    • Rooms are set up underneath an area. A room must be created for an area to work.
  • Host vs. Co-Host vs. Attendees within Obvio Zoom rooms. (16:20)
    • Anyone who accesses rooms from the backend of Obvio will be either hosts or co-hosts of the Zoom meeting. The first person to enter the room from the backend of Obvio will be the host. Subsequent entrants will be co-hosts. Attendees will gain access to rooms by clicking on a button on their dashboard. 
  • Dashboard (14:00)
    • Buttons linking to your areas can go here. 
    • Buttons can be included under the welcome message or in the sidebar, near the bottom.
  • Day of tech check or event room open procedure. (14:40)
    • Attendees must have Zoom installed on their device in order to complete tech check. 
    • Open the area, start the room, launch the Zoom room with a team member in it. 
  • Forms detour (18:00-21:00)

Q+A begins 21:00 minutes

  • Are faculty members attendees? (25:00)
    • It's your choice. You can include faculty members as team members, attendees, or check them in yourself, so they can go directly to the dashboard and enter a Zoom room through a button on the dashboard only they can see (using visibility rules). 
    • Grant demonstrates how to manually check someone in, so faculty members can go directly to the dashboard without all the check in steps. (29:25)
      • If you're signing a waiver for them - be sure to clear that with the faculty member, first. 
      • If you are setting them a password, be sure to let them know what that password is AND that they can change it after they log in, if they should want.
  • How to activate sponsor booths at specific times. (36:00)
    • Create sponsor booth buttons ahead of the event, but disable them so they are not visible to attendees. (37:30)
    • Assign a team member to enable the sponsor booth button at a designated time. 
    • You still must have a way for the sponsor themselves to get into the designated room and be ready to greet attendees as they come in. 
  • Discussion on team size for virtual events. (39:40)
    • Team size depends on the finances and logistics of your event, but having a team where everyone can have a specific role is helpful. 

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