Latest updates begin at 2:00
- Points (2:20)
- In the sidebar, you are now able to edit each element of the points system.
- Merge codes to populate points and points unit are listed under variables.
- Always click "save" after making changes.
- (5:00) Under "page settings" on the points tab, the pop-up/modal notifying an attendee that they've earned points can be edited.
- Abilty to change the color and text of the popup for Gamification. Configuration for this lives in "Page Settings" on the Points page.
- General (6:05)
- Email and password labels within the login area can be translated/customized.
- Export Attendees (7:00)
- Can export attendance lists from specific areas and rooms
- This export will also include groups and tags (first name, last name, email, URL, waiver, and tags will all be visible)
- New Zapier (version 3) integration updates (7:30)
- Allows you to name groups and import an unlimited number of groups.
- Allows the import of tags (applies to ActiveCampaign and Hubspot), tags can then be used to create visibility rules.
- Recap of last week's updates (24:00 - 35:00)
- Browser locales for dates (35:30)
- The date selector now will change language / format based on where the use is in the world. We do NOT have ALL languages enabled at this time. The following languages/countries are enabled - USA, Canada, Brazil, Portugal, Mexico, UK, France, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Thailand, Mandarin Chinese, Finland, Iceland
- Team role updates (28:00)
- New permission "Update Attendees" - This permission allows users to see the attendees tab, and make changes to users in Obvio.
- In the past, check-in attendees or start rooms could also see attendees list. Now "update attendees" must be checked in order for team members to see the attendees list.
- Be sure this new permission is checked under the Admin role, otherwise the attendees tab will not be visible to Admins.
- Check-in attendees role update - this permission grants team member the ability to open any rooms undernearth the area assoiciated with tech check.
- Check-in agents can now rename attendees.
- Ability to duplicate forms
- Ability to rename attendees from tech check attendee list
- Tech Check agents can now click on the name in the agent view (Area --> Rooms View for Tech Check area).
- Updated main nav button new line behavior
- Bug fix to the "New Line" checkbox for the top main navigation buttons. It now functions as expected.
- Added config for blog post spacing - minor addition to Blog Post Styles.
- Reports demo (38:00)
- Configuring the report page.
- Create a button on the dashboard, which links to the "download report" page in Obvio.
- When the attendee clicks on the dashboard button, they will receive a PDF with the header/footer and all questions and answers from the forms you selected on the reports page.