- At the moment, you cannot delete events or organizations. However, the feature to archive events will be available before the full launch of billing and tracking in January. (0:45)
- If you rename a slug used for a previous event, you will be able to reuse the slug on a new event. Be sure to change the slug on the first event and hit save, before attempting to reuse the slug on a newer event. (3:30)
- Troubleshooting new billing and tracking issues. (6:00 - 15:00)
- The "Inactive Subscription" message will not impact attendees access to the dashboard, just your ability to open Zoom rooms and make changes to your dashboard via the backend. (12:30)
- Registration enabled link versus attendee unique URL. (19:00)
- The registration enabled link is a back door way to get someone into the Zoom room without ever registering for the event. Anyone accessing an event in this way will not have access to the dashboard.
- Their unique login URL is unique to each individual attendee who is registered in Obvio. This URL will take attendees directly to the dashboard after they go through the initial check in steps.
Billing & Tracking Soft Launch
- Explanation begins at 21:00 minute mark
- The billing and tracking system is in test mode. You will not use your own credit card. Rather, you will use our fake CC to subscribe to a plan and purchase credits as needed.
- Blue walks through the purchase of an Obvio plan and the purchase of credits. (23:45 - 37:00)
Important Notes
- Event start and end dates are now very important within the system. The times of your event are also important. (38:50)
- 1 attendee credit = 1 attendee to attend an event for, up to, four days. (39:45)
- The length of your event is determined by the start and end dates you set within Obvio. (40:00)
- Within the soft launch of the billing and tracking system, you can upgrade your Obvio plan, but you cannot downgrade your plan. (40:30)
- You were charged for the initial purchase price of Obvio. However, during this test billing and tracking system, you will be using a test credit card. (40:50)
- On January 15, 2022, when the billing and tracking system is turned on officially you will enter your own credit card information into the system in order to purchase attendee credits. (41:00)
- Remember, whatever Obvio plan you signed up for when you purchased Obvio will provide you a certain number of attendee credits. You won't be starting from zero. (42:00)
- You will not be able to keep attendee credits purchased during this soft launch, once the billing system is fully functional in January. (42:25)
- If you have an event happening during the January 15th launch, we will ensure your event is not impacted. (43:00)
- Troubleshooting a Zoom room within Obvio. (43:30) - This issue arose because the start time was in the future.
Test Mode
- Please see the full article about test mode here.
Now that billing and tracking is enabled, rooms can only be fully open during your event days. However, you will likely want to test things to make sure everything is working from a tech perspective. To allow this, we're created test mode. Test mode allows you to open rooms for a limited number of team members. This will allow time to set up and test your tech and configure your event's Zoom rooms to fit your needs. Multiple rooms can be in test mode simultaneously. This makes it possible to check and configure each Zoom room you will use during your event.
During this time, there are some limitations to what you can do with zoom.
- The Zoom meeting will automatically end after 60 minutes.
- Only 3 people total can enter the room.
Pre-event, if you open an area and a room, attendees will still see the area offline page. There is one exception, if you apply the tag “Crew” to an attendee, they’ll be able to enter the room(s) in test mode. (demoed at 48:00 minutes - this tag is CASE SENSITIVE)
- Test mode works outside of the event start date noted in the system. Please do not alter your event dates to work in test mode. (46:00)
- This is purely meant for testing purposes, that is the purpose of the restrictions (only three people and up to a sixty minute meeting). These restrictions are lifted for your real event dates.
- The fourth, fifth, sixth, etc. person with the Crew tag who attempts to enter the Zoom room in test mode will see an offline message. As will any regular attendees who attempt to access the room. (50:00)
- Discussion surrounding training team members prior to your event. (51:00)
- Workaround: You can link your own Zoom account to a button on the dashboard to run trainings or meet with sponsors/speakers prior to your event. Then, you aren't using Zoom rooms within Obvio and can avoid charges pre-event. Be sure to hide, re-route, or delete this button before the actual event begins. (53:30 & 1:01:00)
- Workaround: Duplicate your event and host a training or meeting day at a smaller, additional cost. This means, you'd use the dashboard exactly as if it were a real event (for demo or training or meeting purposes), but you could hold the event whenever you'd like and have no limitations on the Zoom rooms. This prevents one event from becoming a two week long experience that requires a tremendous amount of attendee credits and, instead, reduces it to an individual event that looks exactly like the real one. This is the lower cost option, but it will still require the use of attendee credits. (1:00:00)
- Your dashboard can still be available to your attendees prior to the event start dates. However, they will not have access to rooms. All buttons will lead to an offline message.
- Annual license fee discussion. The renewal fee will be the same fee you paid to purchase Obvio initially. (1:11:00)
- Grant discusses Zoom Events in comparison to Obvio. (1:16:50)
Q+A Begins 1:19:10
- Room configuration for a large event. (1:19:30)
- Attendee export function will give attendance reports per area. These reports are pulled from the areas tab in Obvio and are separated by area. It will not contain information as to when attendees entered and left the meeting/event. (1:21:00)
- Changing the name of the organization. (demoed at 1:22:00)
- The organization slug is not attendee facing and rarely necessary to you or your team members.
- Testimonial recorder to be embedded on the dashboard. AddPipe (https://addpipe.com) and VideoAsk (https://www.videoask.com).
- Event slugs cannot be used on two different dashboards. Each event slug must be unique. (1:25:00)
- You cannot delete organizations at this time, but it is in the works. (1:28:00)
- Billing and tracking (in its current soft launch state) is not working EXACTLY as it is intended to work in January. Updates will be continuing over the coming months. (1:29:00)
- Linking your own Zoom link to a button. (demoed at 1:29:40)
- Keeping your dashboard open post-event. The dashboard, as long as it is online, will be accessible to attendees via their unique login link or the event slug. Only Zoom rooms are disabled once the end date has passed. (1:30:30)
- Your dashboard can serve as a fully functioning site post event. (1:32:45)
- Producing an all remote speakers event. (1:33:30)
- Remote clicker. (1:37:30)
- Room assignments within Obvio. This is important if you have more than one room underneath the same area. (1:45:40)
- Obvio's Zoom accounts will automatically load balance across all open rooms under a single area. This means, Obvio will ensure each room has a similar number of attendees in each room, provided there are no specific rules associated with any room.
- What if you open five rooms on day one of your event, but then on subsequent days only open three of those rooms. (1:46:30)
- Re-assign on offline will redistribute attendees among only open rooms the next time they attempt to enter the event. This toggle will ONLY redistribute attendees who were previously assigned to rooms that are no longer in use.
- Clear room assignment will reassign all attendees regardless of whether or not they were assigned to rooms that will be reopened or not.
- How to set up rooms and areas for sponsors. Best practice tips. (1:50:00)
- Only areas can be connected to buttons, not individual rooms. So if you need a button to link to a specific sponsor, that sponsor will need their own area. (1:50:50)
- You will need extra tech to run concurrent sessions. (Grant explains 1:52:45)
- Countdown timer is a newer feature and there are some bugs to be worked out. (1:54:30)
- The blank space that occurred when the countdown timer was not in use, has since been fixed.
- Please report bugs and feature requests to help@obv.io