Create a Role

2 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

To set up a Role for your Organization, please perform the following steps.

  1. Click on Team link (top right corner).
  2. Click on Roles
  3. Type a name for your role (Admin, Tech Check, etc etc).
  4. Click Add
  5. Click checkbox under each permission you want to give this role.

Here is a brief description of each permission level.

Create Events: This permission allows a team member to create events within your organization.

Configure Events: This permission allows a team member to make edits to your dashboard, speaker, sponsors, registration steps, and all other attendee facing pages.

Start Rooms: This permission allows a team member to go into an area and start a room. It does NOT allow the team member to activate an area. Areas can only be activated by the Configure Events permission level.

Check-In Attendees: This permission level allows a team member to check in attendees through either the area assigned to the Tech Check step, or through the attendees tab. This permission level gives the team member the ability to open any rooms underneath the area designated to tech check. 

Update Team: This permission level allows a team member to invite new team members to your organization, update roles, and assign roles to team members.

Update Attendees: This permission level allows a team member to view the attendees tab in Obvio. Without this permission, the attendees tab will be invisible to team members. 

View Recordings: This permission allows a team member to access recordings from each Zoom room. These recordings are downloadable. 

Purchase Credits: This permission allows a team member to purchase additional attendee credits directly on the Obvio platform. This team member would be able to use the card on file to purchase attendee credits. Note: Only the owner of the account can purchase attendee credits if this box is unchecked. Only the owner of the account can update this permission on the ROLES tab in Obvio.

Below, you will see an example of three different roles set up within Obvio.


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