Creating Areas and Rooms

4 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

Area: Buttons link to areas. Areas are the large spaces that house rooms. Think of them like the various areas at an in-person event: registration, main stage, back of the room/help desk. 

  • Area names are only visible to you and your team through the backend of Obvio. Choose a name that makes sense to you and your team. 

Room: Rooms refer to the actual Zoom rooms attendees will join to participate in the event, check in, or ask questions. Each room within Obvio can hold up to 1,000 attendees and support up to 100 breakout rooms. 

  • When naming your rooms, remember the name of the room will appear before the attendees name when they enter the Zoom room. Ideally, you'd name the room something short so it doesn't interfere with the attendee's name. 
    • Example: room name - attendee name, 1 - Jane Smith

Load Balance: Obvio rooms are set to automatically load balance attendees across rooms. This means, if you open multiple rooms under the same area, Obvio will evenly disperse attendees across all open rooms. 

Creating an Area

Creating a Room

Opening Areas and Rooms

Attendees will have access to the rooms via the buttons on the dashboard when...

  1. Ensure your event dates are current. 
  2. Open your area.
  3. Online all rooms you want to use. 
  4. Ensure there is a team member who launches and remains in the Zoom room. 


  • At the end of the day and/or event, be sure to close the rooms and areas.
  • Make sure you have enough rooms to support all of your attendees. Each Zoom room in Obvio supports up to 1,000 attendees. If you have one room online and over 1,000 attendees, once the room is full all other attendees will receive an offline message and will not have access to the room. 
  • If you need more space mid-event, create an additional Zoom room under the area that requires more space. All remaining attendees will be pushed into the new room until all Zoom rooms are load balanced. 

Export Attendees

  • This function allows the user to pull attendance reports for each area in Obvio. 
  • It will provide attendee's name, email, login URL, link to their signed waiver, and tags.
  • An email is sent to the user. This email will contain a button to download the attendee report. An example email is below.

Registration Link (Registration Enabled)

The registration link allows anyone with the link to drop directly into a specific room without going through the typical Zoom registration page. Instead, once the registration link is enabled, anyone with the link can drop into that specific room by entering their first name, last name, and email into the Obvio registration page.

Anyone who uses this link to access a room within Obvio will be automatically added as an attendee and tagged "Room Registration". This ensures the team knows exactly who entered the meeting using the registration URL. 

Using the Registration Link - User View


  • The registration links are unique to each individual room (not area) in Obvio.
  • Anyone using the registration link will drop into the room as an attendee, meaning they will not have any host or co-host permissions in the Zoom room. If someone needs to use the link and recevie co-host or host capabilities they must be assigned those permissions by the room monitor or meeting host.
  • Anyone with the registration link will have access to that specific room, so choose who your share the link with wisely.  
  • If the room is offline and someone attempts to use the registration link, a red bar will pop up over the registration page that says "room is offline". It will not allow them into the Zoom room. 

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