Event Page

2 min. readlast update: 08.04.2021

The event page is where you name your event, create your unique slug, set the dates, and give an estimated number of attendees. This page can be edited throughout your dashboard creation process. 

Online: When the toggle is flipped to "online" and turns blue, your dashboard is accessible to any registered attendees via their unique login link or the event slug. When the toggle is grey, the dashboard will be offline and unavailable to attendees regardless of registration or checked in status.

Two choices for offline messages (configured under the general tab):

  • Traditional offline message. 
  • Option to redirect to another website. 

Event Name: This is only visible to you and your team members through the backend of Obvio, so title your event something that makes sense to you and your team. 

Unique Slug: This is your event's subdomain. Essentially, you are creating a unique URL for your event dashboard. Your event will be accessible at your unique slug, followed by obv.io. Example: eventtitle.obv.io

Start and End Dates: These are the dates of your event. If you plan to do a Tech Check or dashboard testing, be sure to take those dates into consideration when noting your start date. You will not be able to open areas or rooms unless your event dates are current. The end date should be a date when you no longer need the ability to open areas or rooms. Your dashboard will remain active beyond the designated end date, but any buttons linked to areas will give offline messages. 

Expected Number of Attendees: This is an estimate of how many attendees you expect will attend your event. 

Favicon: This is a small image which will serve as your event page's shortcut icon. Examples of favicons are provided below. Favicons are optional, you do not need to have one for your event page. 


Event Page Set Up Video Tutorial

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