Exporting Your Attendee List

2 min. readlast update: 10.23.2021

From time to time, it may be usefull for you to export a full attendee list from your Obvio event. This exported list could be used to import your attendees into another platform, or to get all individual Auto-Login links for your event.

Here's how you export your attendee list:

  1. Navigate to your organization, and then the event you're working with within Obvio.
  2. Go to the Attendees tab of your event.
  3. Click the Attendee Tools button, and select Export

Within a few minutes (possibly longer if you have a really large event), you'll receive an email from noreply@obv.io with a link to download your attendee list. This file will come in the form of a CSV file.

In addition to your attendees first name, last name, email, tags, and custom groups for your event, the exported file will also include the following columns:

  • Login URL - This is the Auto-Login link for each individual attendee, and can be used by your attendees to bypass the login page of your event's dashboard.
  • Signed Waiver - If you have the Waiver onboarding step enabled for your event, a link to individually signed waivers will appear in this column. If an attendee has not yet signed the waiver, the column will contain "Not Signed". NOTE: This field exports even if the Waiver step is turned off.
  • Has Completed Tech Check - If you have the Tech Check onboard step enabled for your event, this field will include the date and time that the attendee was checked in. If the attendee has not yet checked in, the column will contain "No". NOTE: This field exports even if you have the Tech Check step turned off.
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