
2 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

Forms give Obvio users the ability to create intake surveys, questionnaires, and quizzes directly on the platform and insert them into the waiver during attendee check in and blog posts on the main dashboard. 

Creating a Form

Help Tips

  • Remember to hit save after creating EACH question in a form.
  • Forms can be duplicated by clicking the blue "copy" button to the right of the form. 
  • Duplicated forms can be edited and renamed. 

Question & Answer Options

This video goes over the various options for configuring questions and answers. 

  • Short answer text 
  • Long answer text 
  • Radio
    • Select one answer only
    • "Other" option which allows attendee to answer short text
  • Select
    • Allows the option to select multiple answers
    • Dropdown menu with the answer choices
      • This option is great if there are many answer choices, as it condenses the answer choices until the attendee clicks on the dropdown menu.
  • Checkbox
    • Always allows attendees to select multiple answers. 

Inserting a Form into the Waiver

Inserting a Form into a Blog Post

Editing Form Style Within Blog Posts

Note: setting the style for one form within a blog post, will carry over to ALL forms within blog posts. 

Directing Form Submissions to a Google Sheet

This video will take you through building a form and direct form responses into a Google sheet through the use of Zapier.

Download Submissions

Once attendees begin to answer form questions, you can download submissions at any time to see attendee answers. 

Once the "Download Submissions" button is clicked, an email will be sent with a link to download all the form responses available. 

Click the link in the email to download the CSV file. If the link does not appear to be working, copy and paste the link into a new tab and wait for the CSV file download. 

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