Frequently Asked Questions

6 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

Q: I'm just getting started on my Dashboard, what should I know about Obvio?

A: Creating your Obvio Dashboard will require some materials (i.e. logos, graphics, etc) - you can find a list of those materials under our FAQs tab. This list also contains pixel sizes for custom emojis, ribbons, headers, and background images. 

When you're ready to begin building your Dashboard, you can view this walk through, which lays out each Obvio tab. 

There is also a glossary of terms you may encounter while building your Obvio Dashboard. 

Q: How do you ensure attendees receive the correct, unique event URL?

A: The sytem is designed to provide everyone with a unique link. Through the attendee area, you can export your attendee list, and when you export that list, you get a spreadsheet containing first name, last name, email address - as well as their login URL. 

You will take the list and import it into your CRM and send that email from your platform. You can also do a mail merge with Outlook. The latter option is for small events only (fewer than 100 people). 

Q: How do I access Zapier?

A: Zapier version 4.0 is now available to the public. To access it, click the "Services" tab in Obvio, visit, search for Obvio in the "connect this app..." field, choose Obvio. 


Q: How many attendees can you fit in a single room?

A: 1,000 attendees

Q: How many breakouts can a single room support?

A: 100 

Q: How do I get my welcome message on the Dashboard to include my attendee's first name?

A: You can customize your welcome message and wherever you'd like your attendee's name to come up, you will insert the merge field {{first name}}. 

Example: Welcome to the event, {{first name}}! 

Q: How early, before my event, can I give attendee's access to their Dashboard?

A: If you are enabling Tech Check, your attendees will have access to their Dashboard once they have completed Tech Check and all other login steps you have required. If you are disabling Tech Check, you can provide attendees with their link whenever you are ready. Billing and tracking is based on Zoom activity, not on attendee's accessing the Dashboard. 

Note: Be sure you have turned off all areas inside of Obvio if they event has not yet begun, so attendee's cannot access Zoom. 

Q: Can I duplicate an existing event dashboard within my organization?

A: Yes! Access your organization and navigate to the event you'd like to duplicate. Click on the three dots near the bottom corner of the event panel. Click "duplicate". From there, you are able to rename the newly duplicated event, choose an event slug, and determine whether or not you'd like to duplicate the areas and rooms configured from the existing event. 


Please note: attendees and Zapier integrations will NOT duplicate. 

Q: Can I duplicate a form?

A: Yes, forms can be duplicated by clicking the blue pages icon to the right of the form name. The duplicated form will be named "Copy - Original Form Name". The new form is then able to be edited. 

Q: Can I duplicate a button?

A: Yes. Use the copy icon (as shown below, the blue folded page) to duplicate a button.


Q: How can I access my event recordings?

A: First, make sure your team role includes "View Recordings". You role must allow you to view the recordings in order to access them. 

Steps to retrieving your event recordings

  1. Navigate to the areas tab in Obvio
  2.  Click on the area you want to view/download recordings from. 
  3. Scroll down and click the room number.
  4. There is a "RECORDINGS" button in the upper right corner of the room page. Click on that button.
  5. Your will be taken to a section from which you can preview and download recordings.

Important Notes

  • The default recording is shared scren with speaker view. When you click the blue download button, that is the view that will be downloaded. 
  • For more views or chat transcripts, click the arrow for the drop down menu options.
  • Chat transcripts and transcriptions are only available if they were enabled during the meeting. 
  • The room must be closed and offline for the video to process and be available for download. Processing time is dependant on the length of the recording. 

Q: What is the resolution quality of my event recording?

A: Obvio connects you to a Zoom Business account which records in HD, 1080P.

Q: How do I get agenda items to appear in the time zone of individual attendees?

A: That setting is automatic. Each attendee will view their Dashboard agenda in their own time zone. 

Q: If I'm adding blog posts, resources, or updating my Dashboard during the event, how long will it take to show up on attendee Dashboards?

A: The Dashboard will refresh every 90 seconds and it will show updates at that time. Attendees do not have to manually refresh their page to see updates. 

Q: What CRMs are native integrations with Obvio?

A: At the moment, InfusionSoft is Obvio's only native integration. However, you can expect other native integrations soon. 

Q: How do I delete areas and rooms once created in Obvio?

A: Currently, once rooms, areas, and attendees are created or imported into your Obvio Dashboard, they cannot be deleted. Best practice is to create another one and share this information with any Team Members who have access to the rooms. 

Q: How do I delete or edit attendee credentials?

A: Once imported into Obvio, attendees cannot be deleted. However, attendee credentials can be updated by making necessary changes in a CSV or CRM and re-importing them into Obvio. Duplicate attendees will not be created unless their emails change. Attendess are recognized by Obvio via their email, so changes to names or labels, will not create a duplicate attendee, instead, attendee credentials will be updated to reflect your latest import. 

Q: I have an event under my organization that I'd like to delete, how can I do this?

A: At this time, there is no way to delete an event. However, we are in the process of creating the ability to either archive or delete events. 

Q: What if, during my event, I need to add another room within an existing area?

A: Adding a room works as expected, once that new room is open, all new people joining will be assigned to that new room, until it reaches the same number of attendees in the other rooms. Then it will return to load balancing across all rooms. 

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