
2 min. readlast update: 10.18.2023

The general tab in Obvio is where the password creation and login pages are configured. You can also define global styles, the progress bar, and your event's offline message on this tab. 

Progress Bar & Global Styles

The progress bar is visible to attendees only upon initial login. It shows them where they are in the check in process and how close they are to their event dashboard. The color, thickness, and border radius of the progress bar are all customizable. 

Global styles refer to the color of prominent text through Obvio. Your text color choice will impact the following:

  • Welcome message (hero banner) on the main dashboard
  • Answer choices for form questions
  • Descriptor text on the password creation page

The link color will impact any links displayed on the event dashboard. The intention is to help make the links stand out to your attendees. 

Configuring the Login Page

The login page is defaulted with Obvio branding, but those elements can be hidden or replaced. The login page will be visible to attendees anytime they login to your event. 

Background - This image will also appear behind the "event offline" message should you switch your dashboard off. 

Email and Password Label - Both of these are fully definable for non-English events or other customizations. 

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