
6 min. readlast update: 10.18.2023

Below you will find commonly used Obvio terminology defined.

Obvio - This is the site you will use to login for your event. You can navigate to Obvio by typing into your URL.

Slug - a slug is the customizable aspect of your Obvio website's URL. It's similar to a sub domain and can be changed in your Obvio event profile. 

  • Example: - in this case, "yourevent" is the slug

Area - An area defines the Zoom room. Under this heading, you can have large event space within Obvio. This would be equivalent to the ballroom at a live event. 

Room - Rooms are individual Zoom rooms. Smaller spaces 

Team Member - Individuals who are part of the same organization, but are not the owner of the Obvio account. They can create a free Obvio account and then be invited to join an organization. 

Role - Once a team member is signed up and invited join an organization, they can be assigned a role. You can choose what to call each team member (that will become their role), Tech Check agent, admin, Dashboard editor. Based on your needs and preferences, you can then grant those team members access to edit the Dashboard, create events, open rooms, or check in attendees. 

  • See also: 

Breakout - A Zoom function, conducted inside a Zoom room. Note: It is not possible to record a breakout session. 

Favicon - Shortcut icon or the small branded icon you see on the left side of your browser tab. 

Tech Check - Tech Check is unique to Obvio. It is an optional check in step, during which attendees will speak to a Tech Check agent (someone from your team) to walk through necessary tech they may use during the event. (i.e. raise hand, mute, unmute, turn off their camera). This step is designed to get attendees up to speed on the technology required to attend a virtual event. This step can be done pre-event in order to expedite the check in process on the day of the event. 

Tech Check Script - This is a pre-written script you can follow to take attendees through tech check on a live Zoom call. To request a copy of our sample tech check script, please email 

Obvio Token - this is an Obvio owner's login URL. It is unique to each Obvio owner and can only be user once. 

Waiver - a waiver is an check in step for Obvio event attendees. The waiver can be enable or disabled by the event host only. The event waiver should be reviewed by an attorney and tailored to fit the specific needs of the event. (i.e. media release, earnings disclaimer, etc.). Request SAGE's sample waiver through

Form - a form is a question or series of questions asked by the event host to the attendees. Forms are created under the forms tab in Obvio, but can be set up to appear on the waiver screen (as an intake survey) and in blog posts. These forms can also be used in conjunction with gamification; in which attendees earn points for answering questions. 

Gamification - gamification is a unique feature of the Obvio Dashboard. It is a system of points, awarded to attendees for taking various actions on the Dashaboard. Actions included in gamification are: visiting speaker and sponsor pages, visiting the Dashboard, answering forms, visiting the leaderboard, downloading resources, and completing check in steps. Gamification can be enabled, diabled, and customoized by the event host. 

Dashboard - the Dahsboard is the central hub of a virtual event. It is the gateway to Zoom and has the ability to house event resources, post announcements, agendas, questions, adn blog posts. The Dashboard is fully customizable and can be branded specifically for any event. 

Hero - the hero is the welcome banner that appears at the top of the Dashboard to welcome attendees into the event. It can be customized by using a merge field in the copy. 

Points - points are virtual awards given for taking specific actions within the Obvio Dashboard. The points are awarded based on host specifications. Point ranges and actions are fully customizable. This feature can also be disabled, should the host choose. 

Zapier - a company that allows users to ingegrate web applications with Obvio.

Events - an event is a specific occurance with a start and end date. Obvio supports 1-3 day events, plus a pre-event Tech Check, should you want one. 

Organizations - and organization is an umbrella company under which multiple events can be created. 

Zoom - With your purchase of Obvio, you get 3 Zoom rooms and the ability to purchase more. These are secured Zoom rooms that are not accessible to any attendee not on your Obvio attendee list.

Each Zoom room is capable of holding 1,000 attendees and supports 100 breakout rooms. 

All Zoom meetings are default set to record. All recordings are stored in our cloud and available to you after your event. To access your recordings, email with the name and date of your event. 

Merge Field - is a field element containing a reference to a data field by its name. When a template document is mail merged with the values from a data source, the data field information replaces the merge field.

  • Example: For your Dashboard Hero banner you would input - Welcome to the Dashboard, {{first name}}! Upon successful login, the attendee's first name will replace the double brackets. 

Visibility Rule - these rules control which attendees see certain aspects of the Dashboard. Visibility rules work in conjunction with attendee labels such as VIP. You must have attendee labels before creating visibility rules. 

Group - also known as an "attendee label", is defined section of attendees, such as General Admission, Alumni, or All Access.

Modal - selecting "modal" option will present questions in a pop up window. Modals are not affected by whether or not attendees enable or disable pop up windows in their browser. 

Non-Modal - questions will appear in space within the page, not in a seperate pop up window. 

iFrame (Inline Frame) - an HTML document embedded inside another HTML document on a website. The IFrame HTML element is often used to insert content from another source, such as an advertisement, into a Web page. 

CSV file - comma-separated values file, like an Excel file, that stores data in a table structured format. You will import and export attendees with CSV files. 

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