How Do Attendees Access My Dashboard?

2 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

One of the questions most commonly asked when using Obvio is: "How do my attendees access the dashboard?"

As of this writing (October 23, 2021), your attendees need to register for your event using a third party system or service. This can be almost any system, from a simple Google Form that fills a Google Sheet, to a more complex system on which you sell tickets to your event, and then automate the communication with your attendees, like Keap, Active Campaign, Hubspot, etc.  

Regardless of how your attendees sign up, there four ways to import your attendees into Obvio:

  1. You can create attendees manually.
  2. You can import an excel or CSV file.
  3. You can integrate with a natively supported service, like MailChimp or Keap.
  4. You can integrate with almost any third party service using our Zapier integration.

Once your attendees are in Obvio, they can log onto your dashboard two ways:

  1. They can go to the login URL for your event ( and use their email as both their email and password. CLICK HERE for Details.
  2. They can click on a unique auto-login link that logs them into Obvio and takes them through any check in steps you may have in place (password creation, waiver, and/or tech check). CLICK HERE for Details.

Once your attendees log in, or click on their unique auto-login URL, they'll have full access to the dashboard!

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