Manually Import Attendees

2 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

If you don't want to create all your attendees individually, but aren't ready for full integration yet, this option is for you! From the Attendees tab of your event on Obvio, you're able to import an Excel or CSV file with your attendee's information within it.

Here's how to import an attendee list:

  1. Navigate to your organization, and then the event you're working with within Obvio.
  2. Go to the Attendees tab of your event.
  3. Click on Attendee Tools
  4. Click Import
  5. Select the file from your computer for import.
  6. Click Choose for Upload

Once done, you'll see a notification message that says "Import request received. We'll send you an email once the import has completed." When you receive that email message, your attendees have been imported into Obvio!

The file you import has to have a specific structure. The first row of your file is your column names. The first four columns are fixed, but the columns after that can be fully customized. Here are what the first four columns need to be:

  • Column 1: First Name
  • Column 2: Last Name
  • Column 3: Email
  • Column 4: Tags (this is a comma separated text field, so you can add multiple tags in one field).

Columns 5 and beyond can be custom groups. Things like city, state, phone numbers, ticket types, etc. Here is a Sample Import Excel File that you can download to model your import document after.

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