
2 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

Services allow Obvio users to register attendees and collect payment via a third party site and create a path for automatic registration of those paid attendees into the Obvio platform. 



Obvio is natively integrated with InfusionSoft and MailChimp. 

You will authorize the integration between your Obvio event and your InfusionSoft (aka KEAP) or MailChimp account via the services tab in Obvio.

Blue also steps through the process of linking your account into Obvio in this Obvio Q+A call. The step through begins at the 34:00 minute mark.





Obvio can connect with any third party application available on Zapier.  

Linking to Zapier happens under the services tab in Obvio. The steps to link are found by clicking on the orange Zapier logo within the Obvio services tab. The steps are hyperlinked directly on the platform. For an overview, please see below. 


You must have a Zapier account, before trying to connect your CRM or Google Sheet with Obvio. You can obtain a Zapier account by visiting their website, here

IMPORTANT: This video was made PRIOR to Obvio being publically accessible via the Zapier platform. To find Obvio, go to your Zapier dashboard and search "Obvio"where is says "Connect this app...". See below for a visual. 

You will search your CRM or Google Sheet in the "with this one!" field (on the right side). 


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