Sponsors Page

1 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

The sponsors page gives you the ability to include a button to an area or website to create virtual sponsor booths. 

Overview of the Sponsors Page

Helpful Tips

  • The question icon is the icon that will appear in the upper right corner of the sponsor biography whenever a form is inserted. 
  • Forms can be inserted per sponsor. 
  • Forms must first be created in the forms tab in Obvio, then you will be able to select the form from the drop down menu. 
  • Buttons can be created for each sponsor. 
  • Buttons can link to an area, image uploader, or outside URL. This means, you could create a virtual sponsor booth or link out to the sponsor's website. 

Configuring the Sponsors Page

Creating a Dashboard Button for the Sponsors Page

In the simple blog template, button on the main dashboard must be created in order for attendees to view the sponsors page. 

Sponsors Page - Attendee View

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