Test Mode

2 min. readlast update: 11.10.2021

Prior to your event's start date & time, Areas and Rooms can only be opened in what is referred to as "TEST MODE". Test Mode allows you and your team to open a room before the event begins, and ensure that it is working properly with your dashboard buttons or just to see how the experience will be during your event. Opening a room (or multiple rooms) in test mode does not incure any credit charges.

When in test mode, the room will automatically close after 60 minutes, however during these 60 minutes, the room will be fully functional, exactly as it will be during your event. Once the 60 minutes has elapse, the room will close automatically and be toggled back off.

While in test mode, there are some limits to who can get into the room via dashboard buttons.

  • Only 3 people total can enter the room at the same time.
  • Only attendees tagged as "Crew" will be able to access Test Rooms.
  • Regular attendees will receive an offline message, even when rooms and Areas and Rooms are open.

To tag an attendee as Crew so that you can use that attendee to enter a test room and see the full process, take the following steps:

  1. Navigate to your event's attendees page.
  2. Search for an existing attendee to make a crew member (or create a new one as a test).
  3. Click the attendees name to open the details popup for that attendee.
  4. Click in the tags field, type "Crew" (Its case sensitivie) and press the Enter Key.
  5. Click Save.

You can now login as that attendee tagged as Crew and access areas in Test Mode.

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