Using Zoom Inside of Obvio

2 min. readlast update: 10.18.2023

Helpful Zoom Tips

Obvio and Zoom are two separately held companies. However, when you create areas and rooms inside the Obvio platform, you are configuring a Zoom meeting room, from which you will run your meeting or event. The two platforms, while separate, work in tandem to bring your virtual event to life!

Below you will find some helpful Zoom articles to help you configure your Zoom room to fit your event’s specific needs. 

Once you create a “room” in Obvio, a Zoom meeting is configured under our Zoom account. If you wish to modify some Zoom meeting settings, you are able to do so by launching the Zoom meeting through the backend of Obvio (details here) and adjusting the settings inside of Zoom. It is important to note, while using Obvio, you do not need to own or sign into your own Zoom account. Rather, you are using a high level Zoom account owned by Obvio. You still have full access and rights to all of your event recordings and attendance reports.

Please note: Some Zoom settings are not available for use with the Obvio platform. These things include, but are not limited to; Zoom polls, Zoom Webinar, or enabling participant recording.

You are able to modify your Zoom meeting to fit your event needs, below are some helpful tips direct from Zoom’s Knowledge Base

Managing Participants

Enabling Waiting Room

Enabling Breakout Rooms 

Allow Attendees to Rename Themselves

Spotlighting Participants 

Screen Sharing

Changing your Virtual Background

Remember, you can upload virtual backgrounds directly onto the Obvio platform for your attendess to use. The article above will teach you, your team, and your attendees how to use your event's virtual background. Zoom backgrounds will only work for those with devices able to support them. Those system requirements are laid out here

Important languaging note: Zoom refers to people attending a Zoom meeting as participants, Obvio refers to them as attendees. For the purposes of this article, the two words are used interchangeably. 

All articles are direct links to Zoom's incredible Help Center. For more articles, please visit

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