Attendee Auto-Login Links

4 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

Your Obvio Event Dashboard is, at it's core, a username/password protected membership site. Only attendees who you add to your dashboard can access your dashboard. Additionally, those have to log into your dashboard to gain access to your event.

Much like the entry line at a Hockey game or Concert, this process limit access to your event to those who have paid for it, or in the case of free events, have at the very least raised their hand to express interest and signed up for it.

User can log in to your event's dashboard manually, however there's an easier way (for your attendees at least), and that's the Auto-Login link that Obvio creates for each attendee for your event. These links are unique for each attendee, and can be access three different ways.

Individual Login Links

Individual auto-login links can be access from the attendees tab of your dashboard. Here's how:

  1. Navigate to your organization, and then the event you're working with within Obvio.
  2. Go to the Attendees tab of your event.
  3. Search for the attendee who's Auto-Login link you're looking for by their name or email address.
  4. Click on the name of the attendee you're looking for. This will open a popup with your attendee's details.
  5. The first field on the new popup is the Auto-Login link for that attendee.
  6. Click on the Copy icon to the right of the link to copy the URL to your clipboard.

That Auto-Login URL can now be sent to that individual Attendee.

Exporting your Attendee List

If getting each individual attendee's auto-login link seems too tedious, you can also export your full attendee list from Obvio. The exported file will include a column called "Login URL", which is the individual auto-login link for each attendee. Here's how you export your attendee list:

  1. Navigate to your organization, and then the event you're working with within Obvio.
  2. Go to the Attendees tab of your event.
  3. Click the Attendee Tools button, and select Export

Within a few minutes (possibly longer if you have a really large event), you'll receive an email from with a link to download your attendee list. This file will come in the form of a CSV file. You can then import that file into whatever email system you're using, and merge that Auto-Login URL into individual emails sent to your attendees.

Automatically Copying the Auto-Login URL to your CRM

The third way to access your Auto-Login URLs for individual attendees is to automate the process of copying those URLs to your CRM. This can be done via one of Obvio's native integrations, such as Keep or Mailchimp, or if your CRM isn't natively supported, can be done by using Zapier to connect over 3,000 different platforms to Obvio!

Regardless of which automation you choose, there are typically three steps involved getting your attendee's Auto-Login URL into your CRM.

  1. Trigger the Automation Process - Depending on how your attendees are registering for your event will determine what the trigger is. For example, if you use ClickFunnels to sell tickets, then your Trigger to start the automation would be a ClickFunnels New Successful Purcahse Zapier. If you use our Native Mailchimp integration, the trigger would be a contact subscribing to the audience syncing with your Obvio event.
  2. Create the Attendee - While this step is triggered differently, its essentially the same on all platforms (although more automated with our Native Integrations). You take the action of creating an attendee within your Obvio event.
  3. Update Contact Record with Auto-Login link - This last step is where the magic really happens. Its where you take the auto-login link from step 2, and copy it to a field in your CRM of choice, that can then be sent to your attendees from your CRM using a merge. The merge will be slightly different depending on the CRM you use.
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