Manually Creating Attendees

1 min. readlast update: 10.19.2023

While there are four ways to add attendees to Obvio, the fastest and easiest is to simply create an attendee manually.

Doing so is very easy. Here are the steps:

  1. Navigate to your organization, and then the event you're working with within Obvio.
  2. Go to the Attendees tab of your event.
  3. Click the blue Add Attendee button.
  4. Enter your attendees first & last names, and emaiil address. Tags and Groups are optional at this point.
  5. Click SAVE

Your attendee is now listed within your attendees, and can log in using one of the two methods described in THIS article to you dashboard.

This method doesn't scale very well, but if you have a small event for 5-20 people, you may consider simply adding attendees manually, rather than one of the other methods available to you.

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